
Adhesive for Thermo insulated panelss 900 g (SILCADUR-HFS-SB Kleber). Resistant 950'

Product code: A3SIL-KLIJ-HFS-SB

Adhesive for Thermo insulated panelss 900 g (SILCADUR-HFS-SB Kleber). Resistant 950'

Product code: A3SIL-KLIJ-HFS-SB
€12.62 *
*for more information and the price please contact seller
  • Manufacturer
  • Height, mm
  • Width, mm
  • Depth, mm
  • Item type
  • Warranty, year
SILCADUR-HFS adhesive is used as bonding material for SILCA® 250KM boards. The adhesive is provided ready-to-use in buckets or tubular bags and can be applied directly after stirring or kneading. For further details regarding handling, storage etc. please pay attention to our bonding instructions on the corresponding packaging of the boards.

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