Cast-iron fireplaces
Showing: 11

Cast-iron fireplaces

Showing: 11
Cast iron fireplaces have strong walls that can withstand long-term high temperatures, the heat is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the fireplace. Cast iron fireplaces are often chosen by those for whom it is important to keep the room warm. Despite the high firewood burning temperature, the hearth body remains intact for many years, as cast iron expands when heated and shrinks when cooled.
When choosing a fireplace, we always advise:
decide what could be the power of the fireplace you need. Theoretically, 1 kW of fireplace power heats up 10 m2 of surface. Depending on the insulation resistance of the walls of the house, the heated surface of the height of the room may change.
Cast iron fireplaces can vary in their designs, so consider which door and glass features will suit the space. The door can be opened or raised, the shape of the glass from straight to U-shaped. The edges of the glass may be tinted black. This edging covers the fireplace closing mechanisms and other elements inside, and therefore gives a more beautiful view of the fire.